Real Estate appraiser -
Our opinion evolves according to the market


Please note, that our reports have the advantage to be signed by the appraiser making the visit, whatever the commanded report.

Full appraisal on forms : We use forms containing the standards CUSPAP. These forms are approved by the Appraisal Institute of Canada and accepted by the canadians financial institutions. We also work on the harmonized electronic forms supplied by canadian firms of brokerage in appraisal.

Generally, the reports form include:

  • The legal description: Rights, servitudes, land registries, etc.
  • The particular characteristics of the subject: View, waterside ground, etc.
  • The description of the sector and the economic factors being connected with it: Neighborhood, zoning, etc.
  • The physical characteristics of the subject: Materials, dependences, sizes, etc.
  • Comments: Made renovations, works to be executed, relevant details of multiplexes.
  • Addendum: details of the works and the comments connected with the mortgage collection (foreclosure).
  • The valuation according to the method of the cost.
  • The valuation according to the method of parity (comparable sales).
  • The history: Transactions to the register and MLS inscriptions (current, expired).
  • The conciliation and the conclusion: Summary of the striking facts, elaboration of the final value, signature.
  • Additional Addendum: Hypothetical conditions, extraordinary hypotheses, restrictif factors.
  • Photos: Outside, inside, dammages (works to be made), yard, neighborhood, comparable sales, plans, etc.
  • Appendix: MLS of the subject and of the used sales, sketche, maps, graphic matrix, zoning, grid of usages, etc.

Exemple of report

Progress inspection: We use forms prescribed by the financial institutions and we add the percentages attributable to every element of construction. We add photos to support the percentages of progression of the works. We emit remarks if necessary.

Relocation: This type of report is made as a full appraisal on form, to which we add supplements such as: Our analys of research for the comparable sales, our analys of research for comparable properties which are for sale at present time in the sector of the subject, an analysis of the subject according to the properties to be sold, a conclusion emitting our opinion on the valuable scale with regard to the inscription of the property on a sales network such as the MLS system. With these supplements of information, you will have a better global portrait of the sales recorded in the sector, as well as better idea of the listing price which should have the subject property.

Narrative type: First of all, the inspection of the property is made in the same way as when we make it for the preparation of a full appraisal report on forms. Afterward, we prepare our report by redacting the details of every elements concerning the subject. You will find additional informations there which are not detailed in the report forms type. Here are examples of details which you will have in hand: Notes on the persons with whom we discussed to obtain information (to the municipality, the counterpart, etc.), detailed description of the neighborhood, a list of the vacant land sold in the sector, a list of all the sales in the sector, etc. Note that the value of conclusion will not be more exhaustive than a appraisal made with forms, but you will have between your hands a report under a textual shape. This kind of report is more common to those who require this style for purposes of court (judicial purposes) or to make a presentation (ex:Powerpoint,) for investors or else.

Optionnal addendum for multiplex (quadrex or less): This appendix aims at ventilating the data relative to housing leases : Rents ($), inclusions / exclusions, numbers and details of rooms, etc. And to those connected with the exploitation of the property (taxes, insurances, electricity / heating, maintenance, other expenses, etc.).